Brian Kilonzi

  • Medical School, University of Nairobi, graduated 2017
  • Income Generation Project: Production of clay and sisal products
  • Meru
  • Mentor:Catherine Kaimenyi

Brian is from a polygamous family. He lived in his grandmother’s home where his mother brought him up with income from brewing local liquor which was the only job available to her.  His father rarely contributed to their upkeep.  Brian was supported by a well wisher and after his KCSE examinations; he was given an opportunity to work with Family Bank under the University Talent Development Program.  

Brian says, “My dream has always been to become a neurosurgeon, therefore from the word go am going for nothing less than this which was greatly inspired by my role model Dr. Ben Carson. I look forward to starting a center for the destitute children who are frequenting the streets of Kenyan towns in a bid to connect them to their God-given destinies, currently I am in the process of sponsoring two pupils to junior school. ..  I look forward to having my first book published by the end of this year.  Funds that I receive from the book will be geared towards the building of the center.  Also, as a part of the project, I plan to launch a scholar’s award to motivate students in their academic pursuits.”  His PATHWAYS project involves assisting his community in producing clay and sisal products for income generation.


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