Edward Kipelian

  • edward-kipelimoEntrepreneurship, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Kajiado County
  • Project: Farming in Kajiado county; training woman and girls on entrepreneurship and reduce female genital mutilization
  • Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi, Alphonce Oginga

Edward was raised in a Masai village called Olgulului. He saw in his village the struggles of girls and women, especially girls who had to undergo female genital mutilisation. His goal is to not only further his education and work in agribusiness and real estate, he would also like to help change his community.   Edward says, “My dream is to play an active role in my community by uplifting women and girls through job creation, empowerment and promoting education.”

Sharon Seline Langi

  • sharon-2Economics, Technical University of Kenya, graduated 2020
  • Samburu County
  • Project- Mentorship and improved education for girls in Samburu County
  • Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi, Catherine Kabaire

Sharon is the first born in a family of six. She is majoring in Economics because she is interested in equal distribution and maximum utilization of resources for maximum yields to the people. As a teenager, Sharon was part of a youth initiative to help her community.


2012 2011 scholar, Dr. David Mundia, formed the first Kenyan dental care foundation, Dentcare Kenya. His goal is to educate communities, build capacity within communities to provide information to others and importantly, provide free oral care services. Dentcare Kenya Foundation is the only organization that is concerned with the provision of free dental care to needy Kenyans.

2014 2005 scholar Monicah Wairimu was chosen as a 2014 Social Entrepreneurs Transforming Africa (SET Africa) scholar.  This program was launched in November 2013 to provide young social innovators across Africa with leadership skills, mentoring, networks, and funding needed to strengthen and scale up their social ventures. Monicah’s  venture is training adolescent girls in Matunda, Kenya to make sanitary pads in Matunda Kenya for their own use and also to sell. This will help girls in not miss school monthly due to their periods.

SET Africa is being implemented by Makerere University Business School (MUBS) in collaboration with the International Youth Foundation (IYF), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and The MasterCard Foundation. Twenty-five young leaders annually will be selected to participate in SET Africa’s yearlong Fellowship experience. http://www.setafrica.org/slide/set-africa-fellows-2014

2015 2011 scholar Kennedy Otieno and 2013 scholar Alphonce Oginga were part of a team of six called the Loconsult Group who created a winning mass housing design for the international competition-Urban Revitalization of Mass Housing. Their entry on the Kenya and African competition and came in fourth internationally. The desing transformed the Majengo-Pumwani “slum” located about .2 mi east of the Nairobi city center. Their main sustainable strategies were urban agriculture, solar energy, grey/black water treatment, and rain water harvesting.  Please see the full design at http://masshousingcompetition.org/results/entry/305