Isaac Ambogo Ngere

Isaac Ngere

  • Bachelors of Medicine, University of Nairobi, 2010
  • Internship at Provincial General Hospital, Kisumu
  • Orphanage Project: Developing a school for AIDS orphans and improving economic opportunities for community members
  • Wagire
  • Mentor: Sister Mary Owens

Isaac, an orphan, was the first PATHWAYS Leadership for Progress scholar. Despite financial hardship and family difficulties, Isaac remained in school and excelled in his studies. On the national secondary school leaving exam, he scored among the 10 highest in the whole country. Isaac’s project focused on improving education for youth, especially orphans and girls, and improving overall opportunities to boost the local economy. Isaac’s community group constructed seven classrooms measuring 40 Feet by 18 Feet which provided learning space for 150 pupils. This construction took place in two phases between 2010 and 2012. A library and kitchen were renovated and the library stocked with 300 books and reference materials. Six solar panels were installed to facilitate completion of homework during night hours. A computer, a printer, photocopier and a scanner were also purchased to help teachers and pupils process their work and start computer classes. From 2005 to 2012, the number of disadvantaged children finishing primary school increased from 5 to 33, the number of children going on to secondary school increased from 25 to 40, the total number of job opportunities created increased from 0 to 13 employed directly and 50 indirectly and the average income of the community increased from less than a dollar a day to roughly 2$. The additional money was used to fence the compound, renovate the toilets, staff-room, purchase furniture for the office and pay school fees for three disadvantaged children The communiisaac-groupty group invested an average of over 50% of their income back into the project.

Isaac building a structure for his orphan project along with his community members



Orphans in Wagire who are benefiting from Isaac's project






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