Kelly graduates from University of Nairobi with Education degree

Noah Kandi KellyWe are happy to announce the graduation of Noah Kanda Kelly.  Noah graduated in September 2011 from the University of Nairobi with a degree in Education. We were only now able to retrieve this lost photo of him and post it.

His first position was teaching Geography at Chebai High School, the same school he attended in high school. Thereafter, he took a position at neighboring school, Moi Girls Kapcherop Secondary School, as a Geography and Business Studies teacher.  Noah is currently especially interested in the education of girls

Being close to home allows Noah to be still directly involved in his PATHWAYS community project. His community group is constructing a restaurant to serve as a community gathering place to discuss development projects and also to serve as a source of income to sustain the tree nursery they developed during the time Noah was in university. So far, they have dug a hole for the latrine, roofed the building, and put up fencing. The second phase will involve putting in the floor, setting up the kitchen, and finishing the conference hall.

Noah reports, “We are seriously engaged and are receiving support from members’ contributions”.  A local nonprofit, Kenya Rural Initiative Project (KERIP), that works on projects including peace building, the environment and agriculture outreach programs has been offering support to Noah’s community group in terms of office space and suggestions on funding.

It is clear Noah is on the path to continuing to improve the lives of his community members through the restaurant and the local environment through the tree nursery.

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