- Bachelors of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kenya Methodist University, 2009
- Water and Education Project: Water tanks and building a nursery school in her village of Elementaita
- Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi
Monicah, an orphan, is the third PATHWAYS scholar. Monicah reflected in 2005, “Most of us have a vision of improving people’s lives in the society, but it is not possible due to financial problems.” Monicah’s project was to address safe water and educational needs of children and economic needs of women. Her project provided 4 families each with a 50 gallon water tank that provided safe water for 30 people. A pre-school building was built on a 2 acre plot that provided a needed space for more than 100 children each year to attend school. Due to demand for education the school has grown to include kindergarten classes to class 1-3. From 2005 to 2012, the number of needy children attending early education increased from 40 to 110. From the fees charged for the pre-school, 3 women from the community were employed as teachers. The school so far has sponsored 15 orphans to finish pre-school. In addition, 40 women were trained on rearing rabbits. With the new skills they can now rear rabbits in their homes to sell to nearby hotels. To empower the girl child, the project also trained 15 girls in making reusable sanitary towels. This ensured they do not miss school during their menses and also the parents are able to cut cost of 1 dollar used per month to buy disposable towels.
“Working in my project in my home area has helped me interact with community members at a personal level. This has helped me give the most needy families the first priority in benefiting with the water tanks. Community members have very high expectations on my project this motivates me even to work harder. Project evaluation is essential to keep one focused and to know whether you are making progress or not.”