Scholars visit Michael’s cassava project

DSC09007Five PATHWAYS scholars (Brian Kilonzi, Marylyn Nyabuti, Eunita Akim, Jemimah Peters, and Justus Lelenguiya) traveled to Murang’a to visit PATHWAYS fourth year scholar, Michael Murigi’s, cassava project. Brian reports, “We had a very successful visit to Michael’s project. We all learned a lot about this drought resistant and nutritious vegetable and took cuttings to plant at our home projects.” Michael’s project has been very successful in transitioning his community members from planting maize, that can fail in this dry area, to cassava that is not only drought resistant but nutritious.  This will go a long way in ensuring food security. The five scholars are to be commended for reaching out to Michael to learn more about cassava to improve their own community projects. Well done!

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